113-3427 Derry Rd. E., Mississauga, Ontario, L4T 4H7

We're proud to say that our pharmacy is community-based and it offers each patient the highest level of health and wellness care. Our exemplary customer services including:

About Us

Online Prescriptions

Prescription ReFill

If you've filled your previous prescription at Quick-Med Pharmacy

Fill a new prescription

If this is Your first prescription at Quick-Med Pharmacy

Prescription transfer

Easily transfer any prescription(s) from your current pharmacy

Free Delivery

We are offering free delivery in the area

Request Yours

With a team of carefully selected health professionals at the Quick-Med Pharmacy, we ensure that patient care is always at the heart of our service. With our staff's extensive product knowledge, we pride ourselves in providing our patients with not just the highest level of service, but with peace of mind as well. We will be happy to address any of your concerns about a particular medication or any other medical-related issues that you may have.

At the Quick-Med Pharmacy, we work with our next-door doctors and other health care providers to ensure our patients are receiving the best possible care.

Our Team



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